Sunday, October 7, 2007

I Want To Use A Boxspring With Malm Bed

What is the political agenda of the PD Trieste?

Take example, in methods, the experience of volunteering. Today, in contrast to what happened in the last century, the policy is no longer able to mobilize masses of activists, political action should aim to achieve several objectives selected, concrete, and united by a common thread to give citizens control power through participation on topics of interest. To do this it is essential to ensure safeness in the new party, open the doors to the movement of civic initiative, groups of people dealing with various themes (social services, schools, health ... etc. ..), and young people who want to available to the community their talents. Terms essential and easy substitution of the real leaders, targeting and real opportunity to reach them through the action of men who know how to work together in an associative model.
Walter Godina (List FRANCESCO RUSSO - College Trieste 1)

Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Americans Textbook Diagrams

What is the agenda of the PD Trieste?

policy must return to dialogue and effectiveness and can not 'continue to be a battlefield report.
Marisa Skerk (List 2 Svec, College Muggia-Trieste)

Friday, October 5, 2007

Throat Infection Itchy Rash

What is the agenda of the PD Trieste?

First of all ... restore passion and taste for politics to the many who have lost and the many, especially young people, who have not yet known. To do this we need a new culture policy, because those we carry are inadequate, that is truly innovative and reformist in Trieste this means being able to propose an idea for the future of this city: you can not live only the reflection of the actions of national government or Regional.
Roberto Cosolini (List 2 Zvech, Trieste Centre)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

How Long Should I Let My Eyebrows Grow For A Wax

What is the agenda of the PD Trieste?

The Italian political life is going through a particularly difficult moment, a moment of grave indifference and hostility. Here, from October 14, it can really start turning point, not only in the history of our country, but the ability to restore credibility to policy and institutions. The birth of the Democratic Party is a first decisive wedge in this direction. Italian citizens of Slovenian nationality they want / need to be involved at this crucial moment and recognizing those ideals which characterized the political culture of the Olive.
Igor Svab (List 2 Moretton, Trieste Centre)
Premolin Fulvia (List 2 Moretton, Muggia Trieste)

What Is The Guys Name In Bangbro

What is the agenda of the PD Trieste?

Moretton I chose candidates for the regional assembly and deploy with Veltroni as leader of the Democratic Party because 'and' future-oriented with no easy youth. Trieste needs essentially good stewards, to invest in young people, research, culture but also think the port as an opportunity for rebirth. The main thing is' UNITE, not divide, and this must always keep in mind those in politics at any level. In Trieste in Italy and we must find hope!
Montonesi Piera (List Moretton, Trieste 1)

Pains Inmy Nasal Cavity

What is the agenda of the PD Trieste?

The Democratic Party is the tool that will permanently reconstruct the link between Trieste and "other." Between the sphere and a local national and international dimension that has known in this part of Europe a long and dramatic separation. Cultural identity, languages, forms of confrontation, in the logic of consensus. The PD needs to become what our city is basically always lacked: a big national party and modern Liberal and left Europe as a way of thinking and to attack the things of the world. Not cheap, I understand. But if not now when?
Laura Famulari (List 1 Zvech, Trieste 2)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

White And Blue Bathroom Vanities

What is the agenda of the PD Trieste?

It 's a fact: the policy must change also because in recent years has led to a corrosion of the ethics of subjective responsibility. I wish the new party, the PD had the highest priority as the participation of people and knew that in governing conflicting interests always choose. Click to those most in need. Maria Grazia
Cogliati Dezza (List Zvech 1, Trieste Centre)

Burning Sensation Lower Left Stomache

What is the political agenda of the PD Trieste?

The priority for the PD Trieste and for what is to be a national party vermente new, participatory, democratic, transparent and composed of people who understand politics as a service to improve conditions for everyone, not only as an opportunity to improve their own, everything else comes after.
Anna Maria Hubs (List Barazza, Trieste 1)

Monday, October 1, 2007

Things To Wear With Black Skirt

What is the agenda of the PD Trieste?

The real priority for the PD is to get closer to the world of politics and politics all the fibula were stewed. Must be able to speak to us young people had the ability, and even humility, to listen and give us the importance they deserve. We the youth are the future of the region of the country and the world. There is no future hope. In Trieste, a city of science, the PD must learn to get rich of different cultures that bring hundreds of young people from all over the world.
Daniel Villa (List Barazza, Trieste 2)

Number Will Torres Wear

What is the political agenda of the PD Trieste?

Priority is to make the system among all the parties involved and then the City, the Province, the Region, the Commissioner of the Government, the University, the scientific and cultural , citizens' organizations and so on, to share a high recovery project in the city going to respond to the problem of the old port and new, the Ironworks, polluted sites, the commercial and industrial activities, and hence the family policies , work, precarious, young, old, safety and environment.
Lupieri Sergio (2 Trieste, List Moretton)