Monday, February 22, 2010

How To Wash A North Face Fleece Jacket

A virtual paradise for investigative journalism?

Iceland could become, in a short time, a quiet haven for those who do this job.

affirmation of freedom
The island-state Parliament is debating these days, a bill that would ensure complete freedom of speech, protection of sources and a strong legal help.
The news was particularly welcome to the founders of the website Wikileaks, which are published documents possibly useful in journalism, sometimes reserved.
The chief editor said he was enthusiastic about the initiative, given that he faced more than 100 cases of the last three years.
The discussion of the law was presented in a draft, Feb. 16, with pragmatic terms by the Icelandic politics.
"The media around the world are moving on the Internet, and this allows you to publish from anywhere. For readers is irrelevant that a newspaper like the Guardian is published online in Reykjavik or New York .

At the same time, however, there is a declared crisis in quality journalism, "is stated in the document.
It then refers to several laws on press freedom in other nations. For example "the recent law of the State of New York to block enforcement of judgments in the UK that restrict press freedom, a Belgian law of 2005 that provides strong protection for journalists' communications with their sources, the Law on freedom of the press of the Swedish Constitution. "

According to the draft law, the sources will remain anonymous in any case, sometimes even if a judge is required of their knowledge. Also increase privacy, putting tight restrictions of the conservation data. But the centerpiece of the proposal, what Wikileaks and other agencies to obtain trembling investigative journalism, is a legal cover in case of complaints or other complaints against journalists or whoever is above them.
It cites a particular case.

The Time Magazine, which published an article on the corruption of the cult of Scientology, was denounced by it and brought to court. The case was won, but were spent $ 7 million to promote it to the Supreme Court of the United States. This has caused strong concern on the part of smaller warheads to take similar risks.
The Icelandic proposal is to construct a method similar to those California statutes anti-SLAPP (Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation). Under this system, the defender could always ask the judge assigned to consider the case in question as a matter of free speech.

If this approach were permitted during the event will be mounted in various safeguards and protections, and if the case was successfully defended, the plaintiff would have to pay in full all legal fees related to the case.
The concept is clear then, as to the causes that would lead the Icelandic government to embark on this adventure.
After the crack of the country's financial system, Iceland needs to revitalize its image with full transparency. Enticing those who are hungry for freedom of information, and having the infrastructure to expand, we encourage immigration of people and companies working in this field.
As icing on the cake, all activities will consume energy only from 100% renewable, since Iceland uses only what is produced by geothermal energy or wind power.

Alex Buaiscia

Friday, February 19, 2010

Gold's Gym Adjustable Dumbbells

The International Festival of Journalism: agora to achieve good intentions

The International Journalism Festival to be held 21-25 April in Perugia is a festival played by important personalities in the world of information, literature and entertainment worldwide. The exception this year's guest of former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, in office from 1993 to 2001, and Academy Award for the documentary''An Inconvenient Truth''environmentalist and Nobel Peace Prize 2007.

The event aims to examine topical and relevant to the job of journalists such as investigative journalism environment, globalization and organized crime, the 'local and global information, the future of newspapers, paper, etc.. Over the same period will also be addressed more issues such as the driving force that social media are growing and the decline of traditional media and models of creation and dissemination of news.

For this reason, we must mention the existence of a global movement called independent Media140 , born a year ago with the objective of creating exclusive multimedia events analizzatr for the future of the Web in real time. The importance of social networks increases by leaps and bounds because it is not only Media140 to create their own business in real-time platforms as well as lots of communication and information agencies, who see social networking as having a place to invest return a set of social and economic benefits. But the idea is not new to consider users of social networks and social networks to target information to be used as a platform for publishing information. Several studies suggest that the majority of Italian users of Facebook and other social networks are young people between 18 and 35 years and this age group is more likely to look for the 'information online. This theory is confirmed by the statistics of Hitwise , whereby Facebook in recent months would have passed at least three times Google News as a source of traffic to news sites. So there seems to be one more reason to invest in the profile of users and platforms.

change the subject to make us a few more questions: because of the importance of precision journalism in the festival? The answer is simple: because the rigor with which journalists work and investigative precision is not quite known in today's society. It is not only going to get the news and talk with sources, but a special way to process the data, through research methods and systems for them to organize them well and then analyzed to arrive at a reconstruction of events reliable and objective. In fact, to achieve this goal Philip Meyer founder of the current cultural "precision journalism" is proposed to apply the method and criteria of scientific objectivity to the whole process of mass communication. But a true illustration of the concept is made by José Luis Dader , one of the leading theoreticians of this movement that journalists attending the festival in Perugia. Dader defines precision journalism as "a news reporting on all matters of social importance, which apply to news of the empirical methods of scientific research and analyze numerical data or non-numeric with special attention to information coming from the social sciences. " So journalism and sociology are inevitably united. Using the techniques of sociology, social statistics and field trials, enables you to collect and analyze data about a social phenomenon of journalistic relevance. After this data is managed by journalists through the method CAR (Computer-Assisted Reporting).

What is the CAR and why is the focus of investigative journalism? First, this system is crucial because it allows its use to collect and analyze data that is later reorganized through spreadsheets (Excel or other) and used to process the news. This is basically mathematics and statistics applied to information. The reporter systematically collects information in the database, analyzing public records, conducting interviews via e-mail, studying political and demographic changes etc.. In this sense, the CAR is a system that allows you to create a "computer-assisted reporting", and to pursue the goals of reliability and reconstruction objective and independent of the facts is the purpose of journalism analytical or precision.

Carolina López Montero

Monday, February 15, 2010

Farewell Party Invitation Card Wordings

Journalism and the Internet, an almost perfect marriage

As Internet is interwoven with journalism? It can be said that ' virtual highway met the storytellers of everyday life, creating a perfect couple. But in fact the computer was the true story of Cupid. Without him, the relationship between the two would have been impossible.

Internet ... a benefit?
You can start by listing the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet has led to information professionals. While it has facilitated the know how of journalists crossed the exploitation of sources available in a shorter time is probably the most positive outcome. Among the other advantages of the network is certainly the spread of free knowledge and open to all, and the possibility to form an opinion quickly and freely.

This is definitely a good thing because it increases the freedom of expression, but also because it often has a negative effect as the publication of false news and information and junk news.

In fact, we may as well bring out the negative point of excess information, the background noise, which comes almost to invade and to confuse other browsers. The consumption of "junk news" (not information, which is another thing), drawing in notes published on blogs or news sites or unreliable, and where you can do everything the opposite of everything, including insults and slander, you configure often as a violation of common sense and civility. The phrase known as "my freedom ends where yours begins" may well be summed up this principle.

The daily paper vs. online publication and

Regarding the relationship between newspapers and the web of paper, the first player is suffering a loss of readers who prefer to choose the Internet as a tool for information and communication first hand. Although the first decades of Internet development have been difficult for newspapers, today and contrary to what the king says publisher Rupert Murdoch, according to which "Internet maim the printed paper," this alleged 'murder' newspapers to be part of the network does not seem very plausible. In fact, according to OJD (European Journalism Observatory) "the number of online readers is far less than the number of contacts made by the print media, a trend decline in newspaper readers not matched by a rise of the online audience, and the number Internet users has reached a saturation level. "

Finally, I must add that all the information sector, including online publications, is feeling the global economic crisis, as expected, and this is seen in attempts by the mainstream media pay to get content online, while above all was Free. Unfortunately, the problem There is a general intolerance of the information for a fee. The newspapers in this sense are laboriously trying other avenues of funding in addition to advertising. In England, for example, there was an appeal to some economic support from the government to the press. Will public funding in the future to ensure quality information?

C arolina Lopez Montero

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hermaphrodite In Lizards


Hello, I am

Carolina López Montero and publish my articles on the blog of the needle.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Basketball Invocation Prayer

investigative journalism and its

We believe that investigative journalism is increasingly central as a safeguard of the democratic quality of social life of our country.
For this reason we have created a discussion space where people can reflect together on the themes and key issues that affect us

Leonida Reitano

President of the Association of Investigative Journalism