Monday, August 13, 2007

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You can not believe the survey conducted by the SWG on the LNG terminal Zaule. Apart from the overall result, 52% in favor of the plant, Triestians are responses to individual questions that are stunning, from anywhere you want to consider.
In fact, when asked about issues that could create gas terminals, the first response, with more than 60% of the vote, appears to be the impact on the landscape that, frankly, given the proposed site for the plant seems to be a provocative joke, a Viz!.
Instead, the limitation to navigation (for recreation, transportation, sports), certain consequence of this plant is seen as a problem only 28% of respondents.
With regards to the positive effects, the Trieste seem not to know that the possibility of having energy at a discounted price and 'very probably a chimera: the countless hearings in the City Council and Provincial showed clearly that you can spray with a way to ensure public benefits such as lower costs for the supply of gas, as this will depend solely on the market, from formiture, by company policy dell'ACEGAS-APS.
addition, the jobs are provided, at most, one fifth of those involved in "closing the Ironworks!.
astounding then that more than 50% of Trieste ritienga not a regasification plant is a risk.
The survey results are inconsistent and unreliable because of the positive aspects were not considered and the royaltes 's induced by the plant resulting from the negative aspects and risks to the public from accidents and terrorist attacks.
E 'and then a summer survey useful as a stimulus so that a serious information reaches the public.

Paolo Salucci & Brown Tam


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