Sunday, October 7, 2007

I Want To Use A Boxspring With Malm Bed

What is the political agenda of the PD Trieste?

Take example, in methods, the experience of volunteering. Today, in contrast to what happened in the last century, the policy is no longer able to mobilize masses of activists, political action should aim to achieve several objectives selected, concrete, and united by a common thread to give citizens control power through participation on topics of interest. To do this it is essential to ensure safeness in the new party, open the doors to the movement of civic initiative, groups of people dealing with various themes (social services, schools, health ... etc. ..), and young people who want to available to the community their talents. Terms essential and easy substitution of the real leaders, targeting and real opportunity to reach them through the action of men who know how to work together in an associative model.
Walter Godina (List FRANCESCO RUSSO - College Trieste 1)

Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Americans Textbook Diagrams

What is the agenda of the PD Trieste?

policy must return to dialogue and effectiveness and can not 'continue to be a battlefield report.
Marisa Skerk (List 2 Svec, College Muggia-Trieste)

Friday, October 5, 2007

Throat Infection Itchy Rash

What is the agenda of the PD Trieste?

First of all ... restore passion and taste for politics to the many who have lost and the many, especially young people, who have not yet known. To do this we need a new culture policy, because those we carry are inadequate, that is truly innovative and reformist in Trieste this means being able to propose an idea for the future of this city: you can not live only the reflection of the actions of national government or Regional.
Roberto Cosolini (List 2 Zvech, Trieste Centre)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

How Long Should I Let My Eyebrows Grow For A Wax

What is the agenda of the PD Trieste?

The Italian political life is going through a particularly difficult moment, a moment of grave indifference and hostility. Here, from October 14, it can really start turning point, not only in the history of our country, but the ability to restore credibility to policy and institutions. The birth of the Democratic Party is a first decisive wedge in this direction. Italian citizens of Slovenian nationality they want / need to be involved at this crucial moment and recognizing those ideals which characterized the political culture of the Olive.
Igor Svab (List 2 Moretton, Trieste Centre)
Premolin Fulvia (List 2 Moretton, Muggia Trieste)

What Is The Guys Name In Bangbro

What is the agenda of the PD Trieste?

Moretton I chose candidates for the regional assembly and deploy with Veltroni as leader of the Democratic Party because 'and' future-oriented with no easy youth. Trieste needs essentially good stewards, to invest in young people, research, culture but also think the port as an opportunity for rebirth. The main thing is' UNITE, not divide, and this must always keep in mind those in politics at any level. In Trieste in Italy and we must find hope!
Montonesi Piera (List Moretton, Trieste 1)

Pains Inmy Nasal Cavity

What is the agenda of the PD Trieste?

The Democratic Party is the tool that will permanently reconstruct the link between Trieste and "other." Between the sphere and a local national and international dimension that has known in this part of Europe a long and dramatic separation. Cultural identity, languages, forms of confrontation, in the logic of consensus. The PD needs to become what our city is basically always lacked: a big national party and modern Liberal and left Europe as a way of thinking and to attack the things of the world. Not cheap, I understand. But if not now when?
Laura Famulari (List 1 Zvech, Trieste 2)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

White And Blue Bathroom Vanities

What is the agenda of the PD Trieste?

It 's a fact: the policy must change also because in recent years has led to a corrosion of the ethics of subjective responsibility. I wish the new party, the PD had the highest priority as the participation of people and knew that in governing conflicting interests always choose. Click to those most in need. Maria Grazia
Cogliati Dezza (List Zvech 1, Trieste Centre)

Burning Sensation Lower Left Stomache

What is the political agenda of the PD Trieste?

The priority for the PD Trieste and for what is to be a national party vermente new, participatory, democratic, transparent and composed of people who understand politics as a service to improve conditions for everyone, not only as an opportunity to improve their own, everything else comes after.
Anna Maria Hubs (List Barazza, Trieste 1)

Monday, October 1, 2007

Things To Wear With Black Skirt

What is the agenda of the PD Trieste?

The real priority for the PD is to get closer to the world of politics and politics all the fibula were stewed. Must be able to speak to us young people had the ability, and even humility, to listen and give us the importance they deserve. We the youth are the future of the region of the country and the world. There is no future hope. In Trieste, a city of science, the PD must learn to get rich of different cultures that bring hundreds of young people from all over the world.
Daniel Villa (List Barazza, Trieste 2)

Number Will Torres Wear

What is the political agenda of the PD Trieste?

Priority is to make the system among all the parties involved and then the City, the Province, the Region, the Commissioner of the Government, the University, the scientific and cultural , citizens' organizations and so on, to share a high recovery project in the city going to respond to the problem of the old port and new, the Ironworks, polluted sites, the commercial and industrial activities, and hence the family policies , work, precarious, young, old, safety and environment.
Lupieri Sergio (2 Trieste, List Moretton)

Sunday, September 30, 2007

What Is The Best Resolution For Scanning Slides

"What is the political agenda of the PD Trieste? "I choose

The priority policy of the future PD for the province of Trieste is the environment. No getting around it and pull out of the drawer environmental issues only in the elections. Environmental policy and the promotion of sustainable development will benefit the health and quality of life, economics and business, tourism ecc.In a city such as Trieste Karst squeezed between the sea and if you do not respect the environment is not we respect the cittadino.Da where to start? From Ferriera, from listing under the air cleaner and construction of the drainage system on the Carso.
Maria Monteleone (List Russo, College Trieste 2)

Monday, September 3, 2007

Doctors Wearing Bird Masks


Why Read the draft intercepts the need for innovation in Italian society. And so in politics.
Because I'm a Veltroni: Walter Veltroni was chosen but ten years ago.
Now for those born in 1990 (and will vote in the upcoming elections) which is Walter?
order for the primary of ideas "are a good idea: we must also deal extensively on the idea of \u200b\u200bpieces that we have in our society.
because "the speech" is the policy of Francis I want to see, they speak with the people only if you listen citizens. But then are the actions of politicians: those and not have to please anyone, but to do what is right.
To do what is right in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, are available to Frank Russo.
Good luck to Francis, Henry and the Democratic Party. Whether it is in Italy and Friuli-Venezia Giulia articulate and full of experiences and different people.

Daniel Gouthier

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Gum Healing After Tooth Extraction

Peace is the center of politics

The motion for the status of Porto Trieste liberarare nuclear milta approved by the province recently and the issue of emergency plans in case of an accident of this kind, introducing a theme that has always been at the center of life city \u200b\u200bpolitics: the choice between peace and war, very present and insidious in our history.
The country is ripe for a change of direction in security policies, ie to start a process of factual comparison between armed and unarmed defense (or rather non-violent) for which there is already a legal basis and experience.
The role that can play the city is important, given the importance of memory and not only Italian, both positively and negatively.
I believe needs to do more to look for a possible new role for Trieste and the Friuli Venezia Giulia, starting with a new law on regional peace and a greater commitment of local authorities along with civil society.
mobilization for the March Perugia Assisi and the year of Human Rights in this sense can be a useful vehicle stimulation.

Alessandro Capuzzo
Table of Peace of the Friuli Venezia Giulia

Monday, August 20, 2007

Does A Dummy Help With Reflux


Group 33 and New Perspectives drew up the questionnaire Participate Trieste to change: what are the priorities of the political class Trieste faces? that will be distributed in the city or in electronic form via the blog "" on Tuesday, August 21, 2007 onwards and, in short, on paper using special banquet which will be communicated through the press.
The main objective of this initiative is to involve the greatest number of citizens who now require participation in the democracy, just as the right to vote, is no longer sufficient for a civil society that wants to contribute first-person development of public policy res.
In the questionnaire-survey were given a range of possible issues related to health, social development, employment, security, quality of administration, culture, urban planning, environment, traffic and transport . By filling out the questionnaire you will be able to express its priorities by giving each topic a score (from 1 to 10). The survey, intended as a tool of democratic participation, a bridge between citizens, whose task is to "build" the Democratic Party is through a process of selection of its leader and, above all through processing that meets the real needs of citizens cittadini.Infine we say that c ' is a generation of women and men ready to commit themselves to increasing the participation and quality in the new party, to renew methods and contents of the policy, fielding skills, experience, passion, new ideals. We want to hear, discuss and build a serious and ambitious policy proposal along with all other stakeholders.
Download the survey to be completed

Domiziana Avanzini

Monday, August 13, 2007

Remove Water In Airbake


August 10 was set up in Trieste, the Committee "TriestesceglieRosy" in order to support the candidature of Rosy Bindi a secretary of the Democratic Party. The Citizens Committee will strive to organize events aimed at raising awareness of the program and make it a candidate to vote in the Oct. 14 primary.

They made Bruna Tam, Vincent Livia, Marisa Zoppolato, Giorgio Umar, Anna Maria Hubs, Mario Zecchini, Luisa Fazzini, Rosalba Bartalotta, Marinella Vaglieri Zonta and Gabriella.

Anyone who would join the Committee may do so by signing the banquet that will be set up prior notice through the press or by sending an email to:



Bruna Tam

Cervical Mucus If I Have Conceived

PD Committee, a project to Trieste

In the path of construction of the PD the tone of the dialectical conflict is rising, as indeed was to be expected when they came to fruition more than one candidate for the position of national secretary of the party.

I would immediately say that I breathed a sigh of relief to see the candidates first and then Veltroni Bindi and Letta: I find it very positive for the Democratic Party can count on excellent candidates at national level and to have the primaries in which there is real competition. The competition it forces people and factions to "run", making it the true birth of a party than a dangerous path based on a consensus. I personally do not is a mystery, are among those who will vote for Enrico Letta, because I believe that has the ability to better interpret the characters of our changing society and then to find appropriate responses. But I say with equal conviction and sincerity that I hope that the primaries are a time of participation, involvement and true statement of ideas. Then it is crucial that people who have responsibility for standing as guarantors of this process, as reference points for people, whatever their beliefs, need to recognize and rely on a process of sharing. An election campaign "for" and not "against", knowing that the greatest work to be done is for the people and not for the party itself. In this sense, the real challenge of the PD is from these very early stages arise in practice as reformist party, close to the real needs of people and territories, capable of proposing and doing.

From the beginning all those involved to think of a Manifesto for Trieste and / or a manifesto for the region, the proposal already emerged in some meeting and meeting. Prepare a poster for Trieste can have many positive values \u200b\u200bto both internal and external PD. The first is the ability to quickly get to work together, the founding parties, associations, committees, the citizens, so you can immediately find ways of sharing and working together that we can move past differences and mistrust. The second is to overcome "bureaucratic phase" of the birth of new political subject, beginning to work on concrete issues beyond rules and principles. Finally, the third is to give a signal immediately to the city wanting to be proactive force, mindful of the fate of our country and linked to issues that are close to people. Gian Matteo Apuzzo

Spider Solitaire Windows Xp Version


You can not believe the survey conducted by the SWG on the LNG terminal Zaule. Apart from the overall result, 52% in favor of the plant, Triestians are responses to individual questions that are stunning, from anywhere you want to consider.
In fact, when asked about issues that could create gas terminals, the first response, with more than 60% of the vote, appears to be the impact on the landscape that, frankly, given the proposed site for the plant seems to be a provocative joke, a Viz!.
Instead, the limitation to navigation (for recreation, transportation, sports), certain consequence of this plant is seen as a problem only 28% of respondents.
With regards to the positive effects, the Trieste seem not to know that the possibility of having energy at a discounted price and 'very probably a chimera: the countless hearings in the City Council and Provincial showed clearly that you can spray with a way to ensure public benefits such as lower costs for the supply of gas, as this will depend solely on the market, from formiture, by company policy dell'ACEGAS-APS.
addition, the jobs are provided, at most, one fifth of those involved in "closing the Ironworks!.
astounding then that more than 50% of Trieste ritienga not a regasification plant is a risk.
The survey results are inconsistent and unreliable because of the positive aspects were not considered and the royaltes 's induced by the plant resulting from the negative aspects and risks to the public from accidents and terrorist attacks.
E 'and then a summer survey useful as a stimulus so that a serious information reaches the public.

Paolo Salucci & Brown Tam

Friday, August 3, 2007

Brazilian Wax, Hemorroid

Hiroshima, August 6 1945

not forget. The atomic clock hand 'still close to midnight.
Video by David Davideye

Monday, July 30, 2007

New Bullpup Stock For Ruger 10 22

The teaching profession

The teaching profession is becoming increasingly difficult, both for the growing complexity of society and for the increasingly complex challenge that young people bring to the school and family. Teachers feel more and more under pressure, mostly with enthusiasm, competence and love for their work, the challenge, a minority it seems incapable. One consequence is that sometimes the shallowness, stress and frustration are reflected in the relationship with the students and cause an assessment of their performance that is perceived unjust and oppressive. Just recently we had to Trieste in Italy and a number of manifestations of this phenomenon that led to disappointments that sometimes individuals have been transformed into unacceptable acts of violence. The Italian School to combat bullying, but also provide teachers with tools that allow an objective assessment of pupils fair and transparent.

Brigitte Greinoecker

Thursday, July 26, 2007

How To Play Tech Deck Live On Mac

Open letter to Mayor Dipiazza

not take much to get big. You visit with his "solo" to the Mayor of Sesana testified that if one is convinced of the goodness of his ideas, does not look at anyone and goes on his way to pursue its objectives.

We wish to become even bigger and to look to his city to 360 degrees.

few days, you will open the nursery to Opicina, looking from the outside looks like a really excellent job retraining, which is a credit to you, and come to its offices.

Too bad that after this inauguration, (who also complete a series of works in part by EU funds and required before she became mayor) no longer works or programs for the East plateau after only oblivion ...?

6 years for the East Plateau there are only projects unfinished.

is needed to complete the sewer, to consider the road to Opicina, to decide whether to build the new headquarters of the health care and social welfare. Even the schools are not in good health especially the building housing the Italian and Slovenian secondary schools not to mention the elementary Lona (still remember the visit with her, and His promises).

But what disappointed the residents of Santa Croce Plateau Basovizza is that there is a dialogue, an interest, but not cold and answers, which is worse than negative responses. Unfortunately

Piazza Unità not see beyond the Karst Edge and therefore we invite at least once a year to come up here, hopefully not "solo" to talk with us. Continue to have courage and to lead by example: if we want Trieste became a full European city, it really is time to overcome resentment and closures starting this time from our house.

Joseph Corica and Maria Monteleone

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Dog Ate Loaf Of Bread What Can I Do

The challenge of PD

For a little more than three months from the primary constituent for the Democratic Party does not seem yet to be fired into the hearts and minds of Italians that desire for identification and participation is the fuel of each new business successful policy? And because even the dramatic drop in the field of Walter Veltroni after an initial peak of attention and enthusiasm seems today (as confirmed by surveys) have difficulty with a view to reversing this trend?
There are three main questions which, in my opinion, activists and potential supporters of the Democratic Party are waiting to see resolved before it joined with conviction that which would have the potential to be the real novelty of the Italian political landscape of the next decade.
First, the issue of holding universally desired, but essentially denied. What is the point, they ask many, to invite a few million Italians to vote on October 14th if everything seems already decided? If the leader has already been crowned in Rome, where the answering party is in the process seems to divide the candidates (one and indivisible, a little 'some Ds' Margherita) of the 20 regional secretaries, if you closed lists without providing an opportunity to express preferences that likely will mirror rigidly correntizie divisions of the old equipment?
risk (which many today consider the most concrete case scenario), to see the vote only a few tens of thousands of representatives of the political class would be almost automatic consequence of this scenario. If
no signal came from a less defensive approach of the Democratic Party leadership is likely, then, to lose a second crucial challenge: to succeed in meeting the demand for novelty and discontinuity that now emerges from a society disillusioned and angry with regard to politics. Nuovismo is not what it takes to center, but certainly a lot different from what we know. A real party, led by strong political cultures and modern, open and truly democratic in its internal as well as Article 49 of the Constitution. A party that is not born, so neither by the collision or by a simple arrangement of power between the DS and the Margherita, but contamination from a real open to outside input.
The sympathy that today the couple read-Bersani seems to inspire in a hypothetical challenge to Veltroni-Franceschini seems, for example, due to the idea that new things will arise necessarily from the passing of the old membership and that in future we will be joined on projects homogeneous political and not merely by juxtaposition of representatives of the old parties.
Finally it must be said that it seems quite incomprehensible (and ultimately very Berlusconi) be restricted to a discussion on leadership even when little or nothing has been said and decided on policy choices, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe company and the model will have to convince the party that Italians to choose the Democratic Party.
Clearly the extraordinary space that now exists for an electoral force policy choices that were characterized by transparency and restraint, capable of rejecting the parasites and the advantageous position, able to reward merit and quality from the selection of its leaders. A party with a light but professional, which cleverly uses the primary or other means of broad participation in order to avoid the risk of self-quit. A Pd
with these characteristics could credibly seek the consent of the Italians to change the current electoral law that makes it impossible to govern the country, to help families and to modernize the public administration, to promote free enterprise and a more modern network of social solidarity that can to ensure acceptance and security, to investing in technology networks and to promote a fair relationship between generations that does not force you to choose whether to pay the pensions of those today or tomorrow, and to the debt as soon as possible to lower taxes.
And perhaps, again, if not passion, at least some 'of the confidence that is needed to start a bet whose success or failure will depend not just the fate of Italy.

Francesco Russo

Swollen Red Pinkie Toe

Women and Politics: Let's start from the dignity

The question is: can a country afford to give up half of intelligence, feelings of energy?
Answer: no!
Too bad that's what happens in Italy, where there are no ministers, parliamentarians, regional councilors, CEOs, managers and so on. etc.. etc.. ... that women are .
You can say what you want but this is a problem and it is a political problem.
To begin take a while 'to start from far away and another question, we are sure that in the XXI century in Italy women have the same dignity as men? Before talking about the chador of others, look at the domestic hearth. In Tuscany
study these things (see here ) and speak in San Rossore. So it turns out that in 2005 there was a murder in Italy with the family every two days: in 7 out of 10 cases the victim is a woman.
translate: 183 deaths in the family, of whom 55 were men and 128 women. To me it brings to mind an Italy closed and dark, silence and a bit 'medieval. But let's move on.
"One in three women has suffered at least one physical or sexual violence.
Nearly 5% were victims of rape or attempted rape, and about half the time this was done by the partners.
in 96% cases the woman is not the complaint, and it is shown that at least one victim in three never in life will reveal to someone what happened to you "says Alessandra Kustermann , gynecologist and member of the rescue center of Milan sexual violence.
translate again, but this time I just gave the first: take 1000 women. Of these, 50 were raped and of these 25 have been abused by their partners. Not an enemy, a monster, a toxic, an immigrant. Thrilling.
wheel Conclusion: today, women in Italy do not have the same dignity as men. From here you must go. For a rebuttal
more "soft" a small step that brings us closer to the political question, here's a final figure.
Among the Lisbon objectives for 2010 states that there must be a place to nest every three children under three years.
That is to say that for children under three years should be a 33% chance of going to the nest.
Today we are 12%. And I do not see the horizon
a "National Plan for kindergartens" that makes us make a jump of 21%.
(Lisbon pushes also to increase the use of male parental leave: I do not have numbers here but I fear that we are still at negligible levels).
So it is strange that Italy will give up half of intelligence, feelings of energy, if it denies women the dignity, independence and time?
Answer: no!
A woman who is not worthy of their physical integrity, the independence of his time certainly can not aspire to be an important player in the decisions of this country.
the next post. Daniel

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Brain Tumor From Nerve Tissue Or From Neuroglia


Monday, July 16, 2007

Random Facts About Triple X Syndrome

What 'this blog?

This Blog and 'a working tool of the Group 33, 2 interventions are planned each week, one on general topics, one on subjects from Trieste. There will also be advertised here the various initiatives "democratic" in the area.

written by Group 33

After Prom House Rentals In Hamptons

Towards the Democratic Party

It 'obvious that the PD can not' be a merger between the secretariats of the founding parties and even members of their union. However, the PD can not 'not just collect and exploit supporters of the center non-aligned party, civil society personalities, various voluntary associations, representatives of the socio-politically weak such as women and youth.
Although this', as well as the convergence of the old parties on the new party, is undoubtedly just and necessary, it is not decisive for the "mission" of the PD. In fact, at the time of its foundation, more 'to re-convince the militants of the center, and'
requires the PD to reach all citizens with its proposals for a "new party". Without this' and 'can not aspire to achieve the consensus required to change and stabilize the' Italy, reverse the process of fragmentation of political forces and realize that action for innovation and quest for justice compatible with the expectations of citizens. This mission of the PD
defines its referent and the meaning of being the party of a 'wide area: to possess the necessary strength to meet the needs of a varied and complex. The PD must build discussing it openly with everyone, to get in tune with the people that need to be concrete policy responses to complex global issues and those related to the quality of individual and collective life. If the PD fails on this point, the waiver of the identity of the individual parties would be vain and presumptuous.
In concrete terms, and 'necessary, now, open, among potential voters of the Democratic Party, the discussion here:

  • the internal structure of PD
  • the ratio of PD with local governments, with national government, with parties of the center-left opposition
  • 's agenda PD policy at local, national and European
  • the identity and cultures of PD in light of the ethical issues
    currently under discussion.

written by Group 33