Monday, March 30, 2009

Sandshark Otf For Sale

a question for you!

For my personal experience in any activity:

1) There is always a product or service to sell first and then to be sold every month in order to generate revenue and therefore be able to earn a same percentage of sales.
should also be good to Motivate Customers and Employees often.

2) As you say you do not need, people who have results usually are people who also sell the famous "refrigerators to Eskimos," we are talking about is selling the product / service and the Business and goodwill of future employees ;
the "turn over" Network activity is very high and the vast majority of people end up leaving, who after 3 months who after one year, the project for several reasons.

3) The Competition is fierce!
The sale is often not as simple as it is said and done, however, must be "pressing" on the customer.
Also nowadays view the overall economic situation, people are increasingly attentive to how they spend their money and try to save on everything.

The Question is: If there was a Business


- no need to regain the Month subsequent resale.
- No "Turn over "in the project because the mortality is 0.
- there is no competition because the product is unique;
- We do not "sell", but who is the other side who wants to "buy."
- There is created a monthly expenditure but rather an entrance.

you think might be of interest to be part of a business like this?

If you answered as I think, then Register now for the Road Show is fast approaching.

Hello and ... to soon!

John Rocca
Mobile: 345-4377150
Skype: jonnyap

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Stream Big Bang Theory Cbs Live

A touching message to think about!

E 'on a Friday afternoon and you're driving up to a typical home.
Tune the radio. The news tells a thing of little importance:
in a distant country three people have died of an influence that had never seen before.
not by much attention to this news ...
On Monday when you wake up, you feel you are no longer 3, 30,000 people have died in the remote hills of India. People
control of the U.S. health care went to check.
On Tuesday became the biggest news of the first page of the newspaper, because now is not only India but also Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan and quickly released the news in all news. The
are calling "mysterious influence" Everyone was asking: How to control it?
There's panic in Europe and close the borders. Look on the news the translation of a woman in France, which tells of a man found dead in the hospital for mysterious influence.
The news say that when you have the virus for a week you do not realize they have it. After you have four days of terrible pain and then die. Even
England closed the borders, but it is late. The next day the president of the United States closes its borders to prevent infection in the country, until they find the cure ...
The next day the people gather in churches to pray for a cure and enters someone saying, "Take the radio and heard the news!"
two women died in New York. Now it seems that the flu has infected the world.
Scientists continue to search for the antidote, but nothing seems to work. Soon comes the long awaited news: You have deciphered the DNA code of the virus. You can make the antidote.
We need the blood of someone who is not infected and now runs the news we all run to the nearest hospital for blood tests.
go of your will and bring your family together with your neighbors, wondering: what will happen? So that will end the world ...?
hospital, after the exams, a doctor comes out shouting a name. The smallest of your children is close to you, grabs you by the jacket and says, "Dad? Is my name." Before you respond you remove your child and you shout, "Wait !..." And they said, "everything will be fine, his blood is clean, his blood is pure.
We believe that having the right blood type."
After 5 minutes the doctors come out screaming and laughing. It 's the first time you see someone laugh in a week. The most senior doctor approaches you and says, "Thank you, sir, the blood of his son is pure, you can make the antidote ..." The news
runs everywhere, people weeping and cries of happiness.
Then the doctor comes close you and your wife and says: "We can talk for a moment? ... It 'did not know who the donor was a child and we need you sign these papers to give blood." As you read the paper you realize you do not specify the amount of blood and ask, "How much blood ?..."
The smile disappears and the doctor says, "We did not think it would be a child. We were not prepared. We owe it all to use !..."
not believe it and try to claim:
"But, But ...". The doctor still insisted, "I do not understand, we are talking about care for the whole world! Please sign, we need all the blood. You ask:" but you can not do a transfusion? "And the answer is: "if we find another pure blood ... we will sign him? Please? ... Signature !!....!
In silence and without feeling as the fingers of the hand holding the pen, SIGN. I wonder" Want to see your son? "
Walk up to the emergency room where your child is sitting, saying," Daddy!, Mom! What is happening? "Take his hand and say," Son, Your mother and I love you tantissimmo, we love you and never let anything happen that you do not need to, you know that? "And when the doctor comes back and says," I'm sorry, but we must begin, people around the world are dying "... You
you would have gone? You could turn away and leave your filgio there? While ... He says, "Dad?, Mom? because I abandoned? .."
The next week, while you're doing a ceremony to honor your son is someone who sleeps at his house, others came because they preferred to go for a walk or watch a football game and others come to the ceremony, with a fake smile pretending that the amounts really.
Would you stop everything and shout: "My son died for you!! In case you care ?..."
Sometimes that's what God wants us to say: "My son died for you, and you can not understand how much I love you?"
And 'interesting to see how easy it is for people reject God, and then wonder why the world goes from bad to worse.
E 'curious to see how we believe what is written on paper, but we challenge what is written on the Bible.
E 'curious as we strive day after day, accumulating worldly goods, and there dedicate a single minute to take stock of things heavenly.
E 'curious as someone said, "I believe in God", but with his actions shows that the following other purposes.
It 'funny how we send thousands of' jokes' through an email, the same that spreads like a fire ... But when we send messages about God, people will think before you talk to others!
E 'curious as lust, crude, vulgar and obscene pass freely through cyberspace, while the discussion of Jesus is suppressed in schools and jobs.
E 'Curious, is not it?
More curious is to see a fervent Christian as on Sundays, but invisible the rest of the week.
It 'funny that when you finish reading this message, you do not feel the need to send it to many of those who are in the list of email, simply because you're unsure of (a) what they think or will think of you.
It 'interesting that we worry about what people think rather than what God thinks of us.
May God bless you!

Hello and Next ...


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cost To Replace Ohio Drivers License

I have learned ...

- I learned that nobody is perfect. Until you fall in love.

- I learned that life is tough But I

- I've learned that opportunities are never lost.
Those who let go of you takes them someone else.

- I learned that when Serbian resentment and bitterness, happiness
go somewhere else.

- I learned that you should always use good words
because tomorrow maybe you should stay.

- I learned that a smile is an inexpensive way to improve my appearance

- I learned that I can not always choose how I feel
But I can always do something.

- I learned that when your newborn son
keep your finger in his little fist
you hooked for life.

- I learned that we all want to live on the mountain

But all the happiness and growth occurs while

- I learned that one must enjoy the journey and not think only
the goal.

- I learned that it is better to give advice
in only two circumstances: when
are required and when life depends.

- I learned that most things do not waste time.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Rom Pokemon Soul Silver English Mac

Life Part 2

Part 2

-It is true that we do not know what we have until we lose, but it is also true that we do not know what we missed until it arrives.

-It only takes a minute to offend someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love, but it takes a lifetime to forget.

-look no appearances can be deceiving.
not go for wealth even that fades away.

-for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.

-Find what makes your heart smile.

-There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real!

-Dream what you want to, go wherever you want, be what you want to be, because you only have one life and one chance to do the things you want to do.

-you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.

-Always put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel tight, they probably feel this way.

-The happiest of people do not necessarily have the best of everything, they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

-L 'Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.

-The best future is based on a forgotten past, you can not go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

-When you're born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling.

Live your life so that when you die, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.

Paulo Coelho

Black Hawk Down Helmet

life. Part 1

Part 1

Here are some of the things I learned in life:

-that no matter how good a person, any time you hurt.
And for this, you must forgive her.

-What it takes years to build trust and only seconds to destroy it.

-What we do not have to change friends if we understand that friends change.

-That the circumstances and environment influence on us, but we are responsible for ourselves.
-That, or you control your acts, or they will control you.

-I learned that heroes are people who have done what needed to be done, face the consequences.

-that patience requires a lot of practice.

-That there are people who love us, but just do not know how to prove it.

-That sometimes the person you think you will launch the deadly blow when you fall, it is instead one of the few that will help you get up.

-That just because someone does not love you the way you want, does not mean they do not love you with all his heart.

-What you should never tell a child that dreams are nonsense: it would be a tragedy if he believed.

-which is not always enough to be forgiven by someone. In most cases, is you have to forgive yourself.

-that no matter how many pieces your heart is broken, the world does not stop, waiting for you to fix it.

-Maybe God wants we meet a bit 'of the wrong people before meeting the right one, so when we finally meet, we will know how to be grateful for that gift.

-When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see what has been opened for us.

-The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never saying a word, and then walk away feeling that it is as if it was the best conversation you've ever had.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Heavy Bleeding 1st Period After Giving Birth

Matrix and the Pill of Truth! Forex

Matrix: Who has seen the film? ... And who has rooted for Neo?

Everyone, from let's face it, everyone!

Even the red with envy for the black leather overcoat.

you remember when you must choose between the pill to stay in the "reality" and to really know the truth?

And we spectators, all there to cheer on the pill of truth.

And rightly Neo takes it, and seize him well, as well, apart from rheumatism for the physical stress to compress into a phone cable, it can discover the unique capabilities that already within self but he did not know;
can understand and learn;
can choose and fight for a just cause, and, meanwhile, can find love (which is not a trivial matter of a phone call the other).

And what does this have to do with the improving themselves?

worry, I'm not sure what to suggest you can afford to believe in yourself and in your immense capacity to the point of being shot by a friend and "développé" back to avoid the bullets.
I am a sciatica attack just thinking about it.

But one thing I would like us to do all along: tifiamo always ask why in the movies for the hero, for the brave,
for those who dare to go beyond the limitations and prejudices,
for those who make mistakes but still stands up and fights,
for those pursuing an ideal and despite everything and everyone,
for those outside the norms
for those who turn a mundane life in a special life .... In

Then, once you leave the cinema, when it comes to film most important of all, ours, our life, we become people "realistic" and not only we are content, but we also say that something is a film, another is the life of every day, one where we have duties to respect and rules to follow and there is no no time to ask ourselves whether we like our movie.

Someone said that "each of us is the director of his own life."

So why not try to sit comfy and watch our story to film?

Obviously we can not change the past, if it was a bad movie, never mind.

many famous directors have made some real crap and then the real work of art?

seem able to intervene on film production today and tomorrow.

A cut here, a little 'more light there, a new scene which can be inserted

... And we want to make movies?

I propose a couple of choices.

"The valley of tears."

The protagonist, John lives in a big city, full of traffic and cars parked in double rows.
A day like any other out of the bar where he usually swallowed the coffee before going to the office and your car is blocked by a Porsche in the third row.
E 'is already nervous that Monday, and now this?

begins to trumpet and the building opposite, on the run, comes a guy with a beautiful smile that apologizes and offers breakfast, to be forgiven.
Gianni, who has 40 years of age and that guy went around in Panda, it looks very serious and says she has no time for str ... and it is already late. The boy suffered
move his nice car and scoured Gianni goes away on its Fiesta. Arrives in the office and, as usual, a good sense of nausea wraps:
desk practices that build,
the colleague who is sick,
the office manager who is already complaining that you can not go on like this. At the lunch break

John is at the table in the cafeteria with some colleagues and tells the story of the boy of Porsche - and I think he smiled too, is it really true that it always rains in the wet, that's usually the child's father who is created with the shirt, and believes that the world is his - and my colleague (the one who always arrives late because he is divorced and has to bring their children to school) comments - but that Daddy's boy, that was probably going to stock, what There is one to 20 years with Porsche?
that gap I tell you - and another colleague involved - but let it be that I even started the car this morning, the usual bad luck! - Together, then bring down the whole-system to play, it was that was the right time you hit the mark, wins a billion and change lives. They finally reach the 18 (in the film can fade and return even after years, so we do not know if it is 18 of the same day or same day, three years later), Jack leaves the office and stops at the doorstep to the grocery store.
His wife called him from the pool where his son is doing swimming lessons organized by the school, and told him the list.
arrived home after a quick dinner, again the usual fight for the remote. At the end
Gianni wins, but the son retired to his room, slamming the door and his wife scolds him, saying that it should talk more, with both the child with her.

But what all expect from him?
possible that we can not even be at peace at home?
And to think that a young man wanted to be a journalist. Now would be
around the world.
should still have, somewhere, those pieces that had published the newspaper in high school. Then it did
economy and trade, has found a permanent place

and give up its dream.

On the other hand, it must be realistic and take responsibility.
Now there is the mortgage of the house, the school

son ... however, if fate wanted him to win the lottery, eh then it would be a different story.

The scene fades to Gianni that, the next day, curse the tail ... the bypass.

"All My Dreams"

The protagonist: John lives in a big city, full of traffic and cars parked in double rows.
A day like any other out of the bar where he usually swallowed the coffee before going to the office and your car is blocked by a Porsche in the third row.
E 'is already nervous that Monday, and now this?

begins to trumpet and the building opposite, on the run, comes a guy with a beautiful smile that apologizes and offers breakfast, to be forgiven.
Gianni, who has 40 years of age and that guy was going around in Panda, looks at him wondering what's special about this type to be smiling so on Monday morning, aside from the Porsche. And decided
to ask.

breakfast together and the boy, bursting with enthusiasm and energy from every pore, confesses that he left the car in the third row only because he had an errand fast: leaving a document at the patent office for its third invention .
He tells him that is passionate about computers and the Internet and that his first two patents that have made him financially independent, but can not stop, has so many ideas yet to be realized.
Soon the boy's enthusiasm that also involves Gianni confesses that his work is not an employee who satisfies his own, he was young he wanted to be a journalist, and was also Bravin.

The boy observes

Gianni and asked him-but you're kidding right?
But we must absolutely see why I have a lot of ideas but just do not know how to write well.
I need someone to work with me, listen to me and to manage the communication of my inventions.
because it is useless to develop something new if you are not able to communicate to the world.
We could put together, I'll put the ideas and you will communicate. From
see you tonight-John is stunned, but he feels inside when a new energy, perhaps it is time to do something different, make a change in his life.

arrives in the office a bit ' late, but instead of immediately put on the defensive boss, makes him a nice smile, apologizes and promises that will not happen again. On his desk
practices accumulated from the previous week appear to be lighter and manages to close more than usual.
During the lunch break ends up with the usual enthusiasm with colleagues and said the meeting with the boy. But
colleagues, instead of sharing his joy, they say - and now see that this is the angel fell from the sky, but by John, that's usually Daddy's boy who was born with a caul, and believes that the world is his - and another colleague adds - but Daddy's boy, that was probably going to stock, what is one to 20 years with Porsche? That gap I tell you, be careful not to get involved in strange things if they feel that many around - and another colleague involved - but you know that just the other day I read that one must be very careful with the Internet, we are a lot of scams out there! - Then bring out the full-system and tell him to come back down to earth, to be realistic and come up with a good idea for the card, instead.

But Gianni has already decided that too many abandoned dreams, and this time do not affect you.
same evening you see the guy and begin to put down first chords of the project.

The scene fades to Gianni who a year later, is looking for a parking space for his Porsche ... ..

Ah, I forgot to say that the expenditure budget for the production of the film is the same!

Yes, because our time is money at stake.

And 24 hours a day is 24 hours and for those feeling sorry for himself and continues on his road paved - it is always the same story, are unlucky, so whatever he does is the same, I tried, it is too difficult - both those who, instead, decided to change course and use the same 24 hours to make, his own life, a film by Academy Award winner. So

we do?

Meanwhile, we begin to choose what movie we want.

Then, the script, write all you really want to achieve in our lives today, tomorrow, next month and next year.

The material for the art is all around us, at your fingertips.

Both the tissue paper that Malox.

Both books, courses, articles, tips, opportunities ...

at hand, simply decide which pill to take.

Hello, hope you liked the article I wish you a nice week!

Ciaooooo and if you have not yet registered, do it now, you will be informed preview of the official start of the new project.

@ skype: 345-4377150 mobile jonnyap