Sunday, March 29, 2009

Stream Big Bang Theory Cbs Live

A touching message to think about!

E 'on a Friday afternoon and you're driving up to a typical home.
Tune the radio. The news tells a thing of little importance:
in a distant country three people have died of an influence that had never seen before.
not by much attention to this news ...
On Monday when you wake up, you feel you are no longer 3, 30,000 people have died in the remote hills of India. People
control of the U.S. health care went to check.
On Tuesday became the biggest news of the first page of the newspaper, because now is not only India but also Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan and quickly released the news in all news. The
are calling "mysterious influence" Everyone was asking: How to control it?
There's panic in Europe and close the borders. Look on the news the translation of a woman in France, which tells of a man found dead in the hospital for mysterious influence.
The news say that when you have the virus for a week you do not realize they have it. After you have four days of terrible pain and then die. Even
England closed the borders, but it is late. The next day the president of the United States closes its borders to prevent infection in the country, until they find the cure ...
The next day the people gather in churches to pray for a cure and enters someone saying, "Take the radio and heard the news!"
two women died in New York. Now it seems that the flu has infected the world.
Scientists continue to search for the antidote, but nothing seems to work. Soon comes the long awaited news: You have deciphered the DNA code of the virus. You can make the antidote.
We need the blood of someone who is not infected and now runs the news we all run to the nearest hospital for blood tests.
go of your will and bring your family together with your neighbors, wondering: what will happen? So that will end the world ...?
hospital, after the exams, a doctor comes out shouting a name. The smallest of your children is close to you, grabs you by the jacket and says, "Dad? Is my name." Before you respond you remove your child and you shout, "Wait !..." And they said, "everything will be fine, his blood is clean, his blood is pure.
We believe that having the right blood type."
After 5 minutes the doctors come out screaming and laughing. It 's the first time you see someone laugh in a week. The most senior doctor approaches you and says, "Thank you, sir, the blood of his son is pure, you can make the antidote ..." The news
runs everywhere, people weeping and cries of happiness.
Then the doctor comes close you and your wife and says: "We can talk for a moment? ... It 'did not know who the donor was a child and we need you sign these papers to give blood." As you read the paper you realize you do not specify the amount of blood and ask, "How much blood ?..."
The smile disappears and the doctor says, "We did not think it would be a child. We were not prepared. We owe it all to use !..."
not believe it and try to claim:
"But, But ...". The doctor still insisted, "I do not understand, we are talking about care for the whole world! Please sign, we need all the blood. You ask:" but you can not do a transfusion? "And the answer is: "if we find another pure blood ... we will sign him? Please? ... Signature !!....!
In silence and without feeling as the fingers of the hand holding the pen, SIGN. I wonder" Want to see your son? "
Walk up to the emergency room where your child is sitting, saying," Daddy!, Mom! What is happening? "Take his hand and say," Son, Your mother and I love you tantissimmo, we love you and never let anything happen that you do not need to, you know that? "And when the doctor comes back and says," I'm sorry, but we must begin, people around the world are dying "... You
you would have gone? You could turn away and leave your filgio there? While ... He says, "Dad?, Mom? because I abandoned? .."
The next week, while you're doing a ceremony to honor your son is someone who sleeps at his house, others came because they preferred to go for a walk or watch a football game and others come to the ceremony, with a fake smile pretending that the amounts really.
Would you stop everything and shout: "My son died for you!! In case you care ?..."
Sometimes that's what God wants us to say: "My son died for you, and you can not understand how much I love you?"
And 'interesting to see how easy it is for people reject God, and then wonder why the world goes from bad to worse.
E 'curious to see how we believe what is written on paper, but we challenge what is written on the Bible.
E 'curious as we strive day after day, accumulating worldly goods, and there dedicate a single minute to take stock of things heavenly.
E 'curious as someone said, "I believe in God", but with his actions shows that the following other purposes.
It 'funny how we send thousands of' jokes' through an email, the same that spreads like a fire ... But when we send messages about God, people will think before you talk to others!
E 'curious as lust, crude, vulgar and obscene pass freely through cyberspace, while the discussion of Jesus is suppressed in schools and jobs.
E 'Curious, is not it?
More curious is to see a fervent Christian as on Sundays, but invisible the rest of the week.
It 'funny that when you finish reading this message, you do not feel the need to send it to many of those who are in the list of email, simply because you're unsure of (a) what they think or will think of you.
It 'interesting that we worry about what people think rather than what God thinks of us.
May God bless you!

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