Monday, March 1, 2010

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CAR: An overview

Information technology, its importance, and the journalist

How important is it now the computer and internet in our lives? And as it is for a journalist? And as for an investigative journalist?
great deal, is the answer to all three questions. But there is no difference between the different categories of people we are talking about?

Most people now use the new communication tools that technology has put at our disposal. Journalists use them to craft even more: the Internet is a great tool for finding information on the check-to-cross, to find experts, to communicate in real time, and so on. But for an investigative journalist can be a tool not only useful but essential for his research. So important that it can start from internet survey.

The CAR (Computer Assisted Reporting) is a means by which a journalist can weave data from the Internet to draw conclusions that could lead to an investigation, or even individual journalistic pieces.
Reporters are now a regular job where they get information from the database, analyze public documents with spreadsheets and statistical programs, study demographic and political changes with mapping programs given by the so-called GIS (Geographic Information System - Geographic Information Systems). The searches are conducted mostly through the Web-to-surface or deeper and communications take place via computer, sometimes for a security issue.
This can be called Computer Assisted Reporting at a glance. It 's a concept tied hand in glove with journalism "precision", which refers to the use of techniques of social sciences or other disciplines.

Over the past 15 years, several journalists' associations have established special institutions to learn, or improve, these techniques of data collection and processing. They were born in the United States, for example, the National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting (Nicaragua, a program for investigative journalists and publishers), or the Danish International Center for Analytical Reporting (Dicar).

The site brings together the major news in the field is IRE (Investigative Reporters and Editors), for example, held 11 to March 14, in Phoenix, Arizona, a workshop to offer training in the field (virtual) updates on the latest news and developments in the forefront.
Aimed at anyone wanting to learn these concepts, the training "will help journalists to stay ahead in a competitive environment" (

certainly a dose of basic computer is a minimum requirement, however, with the experience that you can acquired through frequent use of these tools, the results may come sooner than expected.

Alex Buaiscia


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