Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What Does Ringworm Look Like When It's Healing'

why the investigation is the future of journalism. But not for the reasons you think.

E 'dreams of newspaper publishers, which could save a lot of money. And maybe one day will be the end of a certain type of journalism as we now think.
This is the first journalist robot. Not articulated, but only a machine like a computer can process data and write the articles. For now, only about baseball.

The project comes from Northwestern University in the United States, Illinois Infolab detachment, which deals with artificial intelligence . It's called "Monkey Stats.
The software takes the data matches easily detectable, such as scores, the most significant processes and write a story, emphasizing the dynamics and the most important events of the game.
Also included in an appropriate title and a picture of best player in the field.

The system uses statistical models some baseball to create the article. Moreover, it has a library of narrative pieces that describe the dynamics of a major game of this sport, but also of other competitions, which allow you to compare this knowledge with those of the game played.

Stats Monkey and intelligence to adapt to any sporting event that can produce data in a meaningful way. Not only that. In the near future will be experienced in another field that produces a lot of data: the financial sector. Here we have small items such as quarterly reports on the progress of the business or grants made by a machine.

Last but not least, the software lets you include quotes from individuals or organizations that are part of these stories, how to create different writing styles for different targets.

Paradoxically, but not too much, Stats Monkey was created in cooperation with the Medill School of Journalism . The idea of \u200b\u200bthe project, far-reaching, is to eliminate those repetitive tasks of journalism, just as newsletters, reports and so on, to make room in-depth investigations and investigative journalism.

Considering cutting costs for publishers, the technology probably will not take long to spread, especially or less important in local newspapers, or on the Internet.
The journalist, therefore, to survive must develop its own creativity. For simple items, desk, we think the machines.

Alex Buaiscia


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