Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dresses For Twelve Year Olds

:-) Are you okay? "NO" BUT THEY ARE FIT! Yet I

his return to racing after a little time between races and slow and the other a diet 2000kcal'm returning to form ... have already increased from 82 kg in the eighth ... the objective is share above 75 but return to the fun for the many stages of Leg gold if not mistaken should begin in late March ...
and then more in the ... we'll see :-)

straconvinto I still have found the correct way of detecting the shape of a runner ... there are no Albanians or Pizzolato taking ...
a runner in true form when relatives, friends, colleagues I offer you the big question "Are you okay ?"... BUT there may also be adding" I see you dig! YOU ALSO LOSE WEIGHT ...
Waiting anxiously for the arrival form into account in a month someone offers me the valuable question ... and I greet you all :-)



Thursday, February 10, 2011

Masterbateion Teqneqs

MOVE-A Groundhog Day!

A month
plenty of sleep, including influences, moving house and work ... so many excuses ok, but the desire to race that was coming, except for the first time, perhaps to the disappointment of having dropped out shortly after the preparation for my first marathon, perhaps to dream about a nice wek-end in the Capital where to run, laugh and live with my fellow sports
:-) But nothing my enthusiasm had subsided after some training, my physical and perhaps mainly my mind told me stop ... stop Teo, you're not a runner ...
but positive and much else ... if it had been a 'lot of other things to which I am passionate in my 32 years I left everything and the desire after a while would not have made more ... but no ... see again and my little part of the wardrobe (of course the 3 / 4 are private property of the wife) containing all the sweaters, shoes, tools, knowing that the first race or later I would have ripped out and carried them around with me ...
And the time has come ... the desire ... also the strength and breath no ... but this time things go well done Mr Teo ... one step after another would say Luca ...
I picked up a table Pizzolato to start racing but do not have to start over since I started almost by half, from a :-).... three times a week and a month to get a good run for an hour .. . and then from there we'll see ... without too many goals but with a great desire ... if not my 1 / 4 cabinet who feels then :-)
Hello everyone

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fire Belly Frogs For Sale

But what country is it?

Tomorrow, February 9 the government, proposed by the Under Secretary Roccella, established the National Day of vegetative states. Decision morally monstrous as it offends the memory of that day Eluana that finally, after 17 years of not seeing life respected his will on his body, carried out with courage, determination and paternal love by Beppino Englaro.
When we say coincidence ... neither?
Tomorrow for me and many others will day of free choice over their own lives!

It 'been a while that I do not write on the blog and especially on the run, which I'm slowly coming back after thousands of "bad luck" and influences the winter ... but on the computer and read the news I have one question filled ... "but that country is Italy?"

Hello everyone talking about race and see you soon ... Teo
