Monday, April 12, 2010

Are Listerine Strips Halal

Spain the eden of mafia

The origins of the mafia, "the Garduno "

There are several legends about the origin of the Italian Mafia, but only one says that originated in Spain. Three riders in the city of Toledo (Spain), Bone, y Mastrosso Carcagnosso, founded in the fifteenth century a secret society called the Knights "The Garduno" formed by criminals. The story reports that the company was born as a collaborator of the Inquisition in order to persecute Muslims and Jews. These riders then moved the island of Favignana and remained there for 30 years, during which transmitted the social rules of honor, blood that came to characterize the mafias. Osso founded Cosa Nostra in Sicily, the Mastrosso Camorra in Naples and Carcagnosso the 'Ndrangheta in Calabria . However, the origins of the Mafia go back to the English domination in Italy, the Masons and secret societies as the "Garduno" that flourished in the first half of the nineteenth century.

The Italian Mafia finds its roots

It is irrelevant that the 'Interpol consider Spain as a paradise for international mafias. The latest report on organized crime reveals that the majority of the 4,000 mafias in Europe have good relations with Spain. Since 2000 the Iberian peninsula were caught 36 mafia leaders included in the list of most dangerous fugitives. The main reason for this mafia is not only one that sees Spain as a port of entry of drugs into Europe, or maybe the good weather, quality of life above the European average, and the ability to invest and launder money. In fact, one of the main reasons is, according Francesco Forgione, president Anti-Mafia Commission of the Italian Parliament from 2001 to 2006, the lack of a law prohibiting the mafia to have freedom to act because English law does not recognize the "crime of the mafia." That's why investing in the English tourist sector mafias and choose Spain as an ideal destination for prisoners. The Mafia bosses can continue to give orders from prison in view of their "greater freedom" to move from Italian prisons. One example is the detention of Santo Maes, bosses who controlled the cocaine market in Europe. Maesano commented from the prison at Valdemoro (Madrid) that life was like there in a hotel without restriction to carry on business the family.

La 'Ndrangheta: leader of the pirates in the' Atlantic

For this reason, the 'Ndrangheta decided to settle in Spain. The Calabrian mafia is installed is located in Madrid where the drug dealer's gang Pannunzi ; Algeciras is in the thigh while Cicero Palma de Mallorca is seen as a key control groups' Ndrangheta. The Ndrangheta operates all routes of cocaine and has a monopoly on international traffic, while maintaining close relations with drug traffickers and Colombian drug traffickers, Ecuadorian and Mexican businessmen who saw in them reliable and safe. Unlike the crime in Sicily, Naples and Puglia, the 'Ndrangheta is not "offering" regret cooperating with the police. The annual report on the 'Ndrangheta have approved for the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission in 2008 confirms that over the last ten years there have been repentant about 1000, of which 400 or 500 of the Cosa Nostra, the Camorra 400 and only 40 of the' Ndrangheta. In addition, the 'Ndrangheta has a large liquidity is a key factor of trust in relations with other criminal organizations.

The Director Eurispes in Calabria, Raffaele Rio, stated that the 'Ndrangheta had earned more money from drug trafficking by eliminating the middleman and direct struggle with drug cartels in South America The report Eurispes ' Ndrangheta Holding '2008 indicates that "amounts to almost € 44 billion turnover of the 'Ndrangheta estimated 2007 ". To get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe turnover produced by the 'Ndrangheta is equivalent to the sum of national wealth produced in Estonia. For this reason it is called 'Ndrangheta Holding because it seems more than all other criminal organizations operate in terms business as a company that owns the majority of the shares of many other satellite companies. According to Eurispes "'Ndrangheta is presented now as" a manifestation of organized crime quite worrying especially as regards its roots in their communities and even more so because it can take, year after year, different forms and strategies, almost chameleon-like, increasingly difficult to monitor and, ultimately, to obstruct ".

But it is certain that Spain should not be a criminal at low prices but to exploit the resources offered by the country. That is, the gains produced by cocaine trafficking also provide for their investment in a place where there is already a strong money-laundering activities, such as the Iberian state. Francesco Forgione in an interview made by a English newspaper assured that "we must look for ones that are active in the financial dimension ", as the mafiosi are not only investing in tourism and real estate.


But even in hell for what concerns the relationship with the ' ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna), according to Forgione, there is no stable relationship between them, only a few occasions where had to solve a lot of drugs are not paid and which assumed the ETA intermediary role between the narcos and the Ndrangheta. Perhaps this meeting is conditional because the cocaine route is the same as that of arms.

Claim of international

The problem of criminal organizations, terrorists or the mafia is not confined to countries of origin but must become a European issue, so much so that the fight against the mafia must have a response at all levels . The EU should provide themselves with an anti-mafia legislation introducing the crime of mafia association and seize goods to the Mafia. The fact that the 'Ndrangheta mafia organization is one of the least known and least explored allows it to act unnoticed without suffering from the attentions of the investigators and institutions. So, until there is a political movement deployed in fighting the Mafia does not exist in international society and more and comprehensive information about their existence and danger will not be able to create antibodies, institutional and social, able to stop them.

Carolina López Montero


- Eurispes

- Italian Parliament

- 20minutos.e s Internacional (19.02.2009)

- > / Internacional (22/02/2010)


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