Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rimadyl Human Poisoning

prizes to journalists. And the sites.

From Pulitzer UNESCO have been awarded the best surveys. And the means, either paper or computer, has less and less.

In the past weeks have been assigned different journalistic awards. First of all, the Pulitzer . And among the first
first arrived . It 's the first time that a site receives the award, but because it is a site where the news is only edited by investigative journalists, was a member, its value, to be rewarded.
addition to this, it is also significant that the online journalism to be awarded, in demonstrating that it is a trump card in the future of the trade. And in cases like these, not away but adds a lot to print. The
Washington Post won four Pulitzer Prizes and the New York Times if they have won three, for many investigations. And just this last day was the key partner of an investigation of ProPublica, which were discovered in various illegal hospitals in New Orleans lasted Hurricane Katrina.

The second major prize was awarded by the United Nations , through the agency of ' UNESCO. Every year you hold the " Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize " for freedom of information. The award-winning of 2010 was Mónica González Mujica, the Chilean, who is considered a hero for his investigations into war crimes of the Pinochet dictatorship.
The reasons are numerous jury. "Through his professional life, the reporter showed courage in showing the dark side of the country," said Chairman of the premium. "It 's been imprisoned, tortured, dragged before the courts but remained immutable."
The Director General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova , said that it is a woman who "has spent years defending freedom of expression in his country."
The prize will be awarded the May 3, the day World Freedom of expression . Value of which he mentioned the director general of UNESCO, Irina Bokova to indicate what Monica Mujica defended with all his might.

The Gonzalez, born in 1949, had to spend four years in exile after the onset of dictatorship in 1973. And 'round at home in 1978 where he was persecuted by the secret services making them lose their jobs several times, but continued as a journalist to investigate violations of human rights in the scheme, as well as illegal financial Pinochet. Between 1984 and 1985 he was imprisoned and tortured, but once freed, continued to do his job, alternating with periods of imprisonment and other threats.
In 2007 he founded the Center of Journalism and Investigation to take his craft to young people, while continuing his work as a journalist.

Alex Buaiscia


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